It's also compatible with other mods such as MCCC and some other fishing-related mods such as Coolspear's faster fishing. It's been tested for several in-game days and it works just as I intended. This is my first (successful) tuning/XML mod so please let me know how you get on with it. I've tested this in game with my trusty test save and also with my current playthrough, in which I have a fishing and gardening obsessed family. With this mod, fish never lose the Excellent quality they have when they are caught. Apparently the freshness of the fish does not really affect food quality, however it's annoying to see all my fish "rot" in the fridge within a couple of days, so I've taken it upon myself to remove this decay all together. If you like to stockpile harvestables and fish in fridges for future cooking like I do, then you'll understand where I'm coming from. One of my biggest annoyances in TS4 is how fish decay unless you put them in an aquarium. Download over at my Patreon page (100% free, no early access or paywalls!!). I think the model for the cheese came from Sims Medieval and the meat models came from Budgie 2 Budgie’s site.I HAVE COMPLETELY RE-CREATED THIS MOD FROM THE GROUND UP, NOW WITH 2 FLAVOURS. This was just something I was messing around with in my own game. The Fish register requires Seasons and the groceries register requires City Living.Ī few people are asking where I got the chicken and cheese ingredients. !!!Requirements!!! Get to Work is required as the register is cloned from the GTW retail register and still needs files from that expansion to run all the other interactions. You can put fruits, veggies, flowers, and fish on that fridge (I remember that the fridge was broken. 1.0.0 Standalone N/A N/A N/A I missed being able to shop for groceries in Sims 4, so I have been working on creating a few different ways to do so. However, most custom ingredients will show on the list depending on how the creator has tagged them. Sims 4 Grocery Mod How to Shop for Groceries. Special items such as the cow plant seed or dragon fruit will not be available and you’ll still need to get these through your gameplay. You will not see ALL the fish and groceries in the lists. The fish register appears blue in the catalogue and the groceries is green but all colours are available on both.

There are two separate registers, one for fish and one for groceries, so you could use them for two separate shops or have both registers in one store. I cloned the GTW retail registers and added ‘Buy Supplies’ interactions based on the catch of the day fish stall from Cats and Dogs and the groceries you can buy from the City Living stalls.

This is just a little mod I needed for my own game.