Storyboard brushes paint tool sai sketch brushes paint tool sai
Storyboard brushes paint tool sai sketch brushes paint tool sai

When picking a colour with the dropper, the colour is not added to the swatch list. While working in the Stage view, you can use the Dropper tool to pick a colour from your drawing without going to the Colour view. In the Tool Properties panel, click the Automatic Close Gap button. To access the Automatic Close Gap options: ‣ If your eye does not see the gap, Storyboard Pro will not either. The automated gap closing should be done using the zoom function setting of the Stage View.

storyboard brushes paint tool sai sketch brushes paint tool sai

Instead of having to close them manually either with the Brush tool or Close Gap tool, Storyboard Pro will analyse the drawing and close the gaps while you paint according to the selected mode. The Automatic Close Gap option is used while painting drawings with small gaps. The Automatic Close Gap option has four modes available: No Close Gap, Close Small Gap, Close Medium Gap, and Close Large Gap. The Unpaint mode unpaints everything it touches, including empty and filled zones. Any line or filled zone will remain unchanged. The Paint Unpainted mode paints only empty zones. The Paint mode paints everything it touches, including empty and filled zones. You can also find these tools in the Tools toobar and in the Tools menu.

storyboard brushes paint tool sai sketch brushes paint tool sai

In the Tool Properties panel, click the Paint tool. The Paint tool has three different modes: Paint, Paint Unpainted, and Unpaint. NOTE: Hold down the Alt key to switch to the opposite mode of your selection. Marquee: Lets you draw a rectangle selection box. Lasso: Lets you draw a selection are around the zones to be painted. Whichever mode you choose, everything inside the selection will be painted. The Lasso and Marquee options let you choose how you will select areas to paint by clicking and dragging the cursor to paint on drawings. When you select the Paint tool, its properties and options appear in the Tools Properties panel. You can either click to paint a zone or trace a lasso or marquee selection to paint several zones at the same time.

  • In the Tools toolbar, click the Paint tool, press + or select Tools > Paint from the top menu.
  • In the Timeline or Thumbnails view, select the panel and layer on which you want to paint.
  • To colour bitmap drawings, use the Draw Behind mode -see Draw Behind Draw Behind. NOTE: The Paint tool only paints vector drawings.

    Storyboard brushes paint tool sai sketch brushes paint tool sai